What is the Mobile-First id+ Project?
Penn State IT has announced the mobile id+ card as Penn State’s primary credential. While most of the University’s Housing and Food Services buildings have been already upgraded to contactless tap technology, this project will continue to replace physical id+ cards for building access and services by promoting mobile-first technologies in a phased approach. If you have questions, email the id+ Office at idcard@psu.edu.
Reminder for students at pilot campuses: Physical id+ cards were deactivated on May 9, 2024.

Pilot Campuses
The mobile-first id+ project started in Spring 2024 at five pilot campuses, including Beaver, Behrend, Greater Allegheny, Harrisburg, and Mont Alto.

Phase Two
The next phase will continue to replace magnetic stripe readers with new electronic doors and card access readers at the remaining campus locations.

The Future of Mobile-First
From Amazon Hub lockers to merchandise scanners at on-campus convenience stores, the possibilities of the mobile id+ card are endless.
Penn State Employees
To simplify user experiences and enhance the security of University resources, all faculty and staff are encouraged to activate the mobile id+ card. If you are affiliated with one of the five pilot campuses and have the Blue Lion Shrine id+ card, you will not be able to enter buildings, use LionCash, or utilize campus amenities. Only the new id+ card and the mobile id+ card will work with the updated card access readers and electronic doors that are being installed. The remaining campus locations will be compatible with tap technology by Summer 2025. To learn more about tap-n-go or tap-n-pay, visit the id+ card webpage.
Exceptions will be made for technical service employees, students, and other employees with approved exemptions. These exemptions include:
Approved personal and religious reasons
If your device is not a smartphone that is compatible with tap technology
If you do not have a smartphone or mobile device readily available
Interested in specialty cards? Learn about visitor access, program meal cards, and Penn State Affiliates.
Penn State Students
Penn State students can use their iPhones, Apple Watches, and Android devices to access their assigned residence halls, make purchases with LionCash or a Meal Plan, pay for laundry, and more. To activate your mobile id+ card, follow the setup instructions at idcard.psu.edu/mobile. For help, email idcard@psu.edu or read through the mobile id+ Frequently Asked Questions.
If you are a student at Beaver, Behrend, Greater Allegheny, Harrisburg, or Mont Alto, student mobile id+ users will not be able to use physical id+ cards after May 9. If you have not activated mobile id+ by May 9, your physical id+ card will remain your primary Penn State credential. To activate your mobile id+ card or pick up your new id+ card that is compatible with tap technology, contact your local Housing and Food Services Office (HFS).
Project Updates
The transition to mobile id+ is complete at the five pilot campuses and Penn State Scranton. The Department of Physical Security is coordinating with Auxiliary and Business Services IT to install mobile-first technologies, and all upgrades are expected to be completed at the remaining Commonwealth Campuses by Summer 2025. If you're interested in adoption rates and other project details at a specific campus location, use the dropdown menu below to find out more information or email idcard@psu.edu. To learn more, view Card Reader Installation Progress.
The mobile-first id+ transition is complete at Beaver. So far, 94% of students and 15% of employees have activated the mobile id+ card.
If you have the older version of the id+ card with the Blue Lion Shrine, please be aware that only the new id+ card and the mobile id+ card will work with the updated card access readers and electronic doors.
If you have questions, contact the id+ Office at idcard@psu.edu.
The mobile-first id+ transition is complete at Behrend. So far, 91% of students and 20% of employees have activated the mobile id+ card.
If you have the older version of the id+ card with the Blue Lion Shrine, please be aware that only the new id+ card and the mobile id+ card will work with the updated card access readers and electronic doors.
If you have questions, contact the id+ Office at idcard@psu.edu.
Greater Allegheny
The mobile-first id+ transition is complete at Greater Allegheny. So far, 96% of students and 17% of employees have activated the mobile id+ card.
If you have the older version of the id+ card with the Blue Lion Shrine, please be aware that only the new id+ card and the mobile id+ card will work with the updated card access readers and electronic doors.
If you have questions, contact the id+ Office at idcard@psu.edu.
The mobile-first id+ transition is complete at Harrisburg. So far, 94% of students and 11% of employees have activated the mobile id+ card.
If you have the older version of the id+ card with the Blue Lion Shrine, please be aware that only the new id+ card and the mobile id+ card will work with the updated card access readers and electronic doors.
If you have questions, contact the id+ Office at idcard@psu.edu.
Mont Alto
The mobile-first id+ transition is complete at Mont Alto. So far, 88% of students and 7% of employees have activated the mobile id+ card.
If you have the older version of the id+ card with the Blue Lion Shrine, please be aware that only the new id+ card and the mobile id+ card will work with the updated card access readers and electronic doors.
If you have questions, contact the id+ Office at idcard@psu.edu.
University Park
The residential halls, food and dining areas, and amenities at University Park already accept tap-n-pay or tap-n-go. However, administrative and academic buildings are currently being upgraded with new electronic doors and card access readers. This transition should be complete by Summer 2025.
For more information about the mobile id+ card, visit idcard.psu.edu/mobile.
Other Campuses
Now that the pilot campuses (Beaver, Behrend, Greater Allegheny, Harrisburg, and Mont Alto) are completely mobile-first, the project team's current focus is upgrading the card access readers and doors at the remaining Commonwealth Campuses by Summer 2025. Every Penn State campus has successfully transitioned to tap technology; however, Berks is still in progress.
These new electronic doors and card access readers will feature tap technology that is compatible with both your id+ card and mobile id+ card. When it is time for your area or campus to be upgraded, the Department of Physical Security will proactively notify your access and facility coordinators.